Sunday, February 28, 2010

What's your opinion of George W. Bush's new hair color?

Recently, George W. Bush has been going from a blue haired grandmotherly rinse to a golden brown color in his hair. Of course, he still has a tinge of post-9/11 gray, but he is obviously going for a more youthful, media friendly look.What's your opinion of George W. Bush's new hair color?
I haven't noticed, but it's probably a smart move.

Hillary is one of those women who miraculously turn blond instead of grey as they age and I'm sure it's for the same reason.What's your opinion of George W. Bush's new hair color?
don't care about his hair color and no amount of hair color will make him smart
9/11 gray?? John Edwards WOULD NOT approve.
hahahaha, to fed up conservative's response!!!!

I hadn't noticed his new coloring. Tonight I'll tune it. :)
I had noticed one bit of Chimpy hair color changing , still a rooster tail style. He looks just is same old stupid face making those facial expressions that makes you want to throw your TV out. He may have I can't see much of anything except unkempt teeth never flossed or brushed , that green shirt with the sleeves rolled up that old black belt, those old funky polyester pants those old dirty boots. I wonder if he just has one shirt, one pair of pants, one belt, it is everyday wear when he isn't in a suit. I'm not talking about his western clothes, he wears in Crawford. He tries to walk bow legged like he has been riding bulls, he hasn't ever rode anything but that white trucks , I don't know if drives off the range because if he drives why don't he learn to ride a bike , read or write. I think Laura drives as soon as they get out of sight, there just no way that idiot learned how to drive , he can't read the signs. I saw Laura tell Jay Leno that he ran all the way through the garage out in to the back yard tore the garage down.
Never noticed.

I don't look at him - turned to stone and all that, you know.

I imagine it's quite difficult to find a hair color to complement the sh!t-colored eyes. As in: full of.
It should be blonde. He's even dumber than that and it suits his belly.

And his fan club's.
His hair has always matched his personality. Gray.

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